How to Set Instander as Default for Opening WhatsApp Links instead of Instagram app or Browser!

How to Set Instander as Default for Opening WhatsApp Links instead of Instagram app or Browser!

Have you found that links shared via WhatsApp are opening in your browser or the standard Instagram app instead of Instander? This can be frustrating if you prefer using Instander for its enhanced features and customization options. Fortunately, you can easily fix this by setting Instander as the default app for handling Instagram links on…

How to Fix the Instander Blank White Screen Issue When Logging In

How to Fix the Instander Blank White Screen Issue When Logging In

Experiencing a blank white screen after the Instander logo can be frustrating, especially when all you want to do is scroll through your feed. Fortunately, there’s a straightforward solution that can help you resolve this issue swiftly. Here’s a step-by-step guide to get you back on Instander without a hitch. Step-by-Step Solution to Fix the…

Easy Fixes for Instander Crashing While Opening Comments: A Simple Guide

Easy Fixes for Instander Crashing While Opening Comments: A Simple Guide

Are you facing the frustrating issue of Instander crashing every time you try to open comments? You’re not alone. Many users encounter this problem, but fret not, solutions are at hand. In this guide, we’ll walk you through easy steps to resolve the Instander crashing issue quickly and get you back to enjoying your Instagram…